Weight Watchers Blairs Ferry Road

Weight Watchers Blairs Ferry Road

  • Wind turbine expansion thrown into doubt

    Onshore wind farms generate about a tenth of Britain's electricity and experts say more will be needed to meet net zero goals

    Wind turbines


  • Emmanuel Macron wants a fishing licence to commit environmental vandalism

    Anglo-French fising dispute has become particularly toxic because the French president has effectively misled his own country on the issue

  • Scottish Tories need Boris Johnson to back North Sea oil before the votes can start gushing

    Party strategists call for PM's support in order to capitalise on SNP disunity thanks to Nicola Sturgeon's coalition deal with the Greens

    Nicola Sturgeon with Scottish Green co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater at Bute House. Tory strategists believe they can win more seats in Scotland following the SNP's alliance with the Greens
  • Covid-19 is a stark lesson in how humans should tackle the climate crisis

    The pandemic highlights that when people come together the toughest challenges can be overcome

    Demonstrators join the Fridays For Future march on November 5, 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland
  • The protectionist tax threatening to rewrite the rules of global trade

    Read this exclusive extract from our Economic Intelligence newsletter and sign up at the bottom of the article to get it every Tuesday

    Board game

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  • Homeowner left without heating and hot water after Green Homes Grant expires

    Yorkshire resident says life has become 'a complete and utter misery' after botched Government grant scheme forced him from his home

    heat pump
  • Sadiq Khan bans electric scooters from London's Tube, trains and buses over fire risk

    Privately owned e-scooters will not be allowed on TfL network following reports of batteries catching fire

    E-scooter on fire at Parsons Green Station
  • Cancelled bin collections blamed for surge in fly-tipping during Covid lockdown

    Government data show more than a million cases of rubbish being dumped on highways last year while councils suspended waste collections

    Local authorities dealt with 1.13 million cases of rubbish dumped on highways and in beauty spots in 2020-21
  • Cycle lanes blamed for London's status as world's most congested city

    Agony for motorists as UK capital climbs 15 places in just a year, bucking the trend of other major cities affected by the pandemic

    Cyclists and other traffic in Parliament Square.  The installation of cycle lanes had a negative impact on congestion, because there was less space for cars to use, experts said
  • Scottish Tories need Boris Johnson to back North Sea oil before the votes can start gushing

    Party strategists call for PM's support in order to capitalise on SNP disunity thanks to Nicola Sturgeon's coalition deal with the Greens

    Nicola Sturgeon with Scottish Green co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater at Bute House. Tory strategists believe they can win more seats in Scotland following the SNP's alliance with the Greens
  • 'They're killing us slowly': sandstorms and drought stalk Madagascar

    The cost of water has leapt 300 per cent and locals are surviving on cactus plants – is this the future of climate change famine?

  • Living on a leafy street can keep you from going out of your tree

    People are less likely to be on antidepressants if they live on a tree-lined street – meaning the NHS saves millions, research finds

    Forestry Commission report claims the UK saves £185 million each year because of woodlands
  • Inside Prince Charles's fight to save Britain's hedgerows

    The Prince of Wales is on a mission to highlight how our fast-disappearing hedgerows can combat environmental crises – and how you can help

    The Prince of Wales is a keen supporter of hedgerows; right, Britain's hedgerows, vital for a vast array of species, have lost thousands of miles of ground

Weight Watchers Blairs Ferry Road

Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/environment/

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